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Adam GibbsAlbert DrosAlex NoriegaAndres MolineDaniel KordanElia LocardiEnrico FossatiEric BennetFrancesco GolaJoey WrightJoshua CrippsMarco GrassiMichael BreitungMichael ShainblumMike KelleyNick PageRyan DyarSean BagshawSimon d'EntremontWilliam Patino

Sean Bagshaw

Hi! I'm Sean. Thanks for stopping in. I am a landscape/travel photographer and photo educator based in Ashland, Oregon where I live with my wife and two sons. I started my photography business in 2004. Before that, I was a middle school science teacher. I have always been a traveler, adventurer and experience junkie (thanks mom and dad for raising me in the hills of Southern Oregon). I began taking photos in college because I wanted to record and share my explorations. Now I go on adventures with the main purpose of taking photos. When I'm not creating I enjoy teaching and sharing.
