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Adam GibbsAlbert DrosAlex NoriegaAndres MolineDaniel KordanElia LocardiEnrico FossatiEric BennetFrancesco GolaJoey WrightJoshua CrippsMarco GrassiMichael BreitungMichael ShainblumMike KelleyNick PageRyan DyarSean BagshawSimon d'EntremontWilliam Patino


  • Post Production: Cantabria

    by Francesco Gola
    Optimizing the workflow allows you to improve your post-production and thus achieve more easily and quickly the desired results. The course is structured in different sections and videos, covering in over 3 hours all the post-production topics from the RAW management to the export of the file. Following the videos, you will learn a new workflow that can be immediately applied to your images.
    seascapelong exposurecolor managementluminosity maskstonality masksphotoshoplightroompaid
  • Start to finish processing tutorial: seascape 'sanctuary'

    by Michael Shainblum
    Landscape Photography Photoshop Tutorial: In This tutorial I will explain in detail the step by step techniques, used to create one of my favorite images “Sanctuary”.
    seascapecolor correctionluminosity masksdodging and burningexposure blendingperspective blendingphotoshoppaid
  • Start to finish photography editing tutorial: blending for dynamic range and processing tough situations

    by Michael Shainblum
    Landscape Photography post processing tutorial: In this landscape photography editing tutorial, I will explain in detail the step by step techniques used to create one of my favorite images, “Phoenix”. This will include the overall process from start to finish of how I edit my landscape images. You will be provided with the relevant files to follow along with during this photography tutorial. We will begin with a Lightroom session, focused on basic edits and organizing the files. Then opening those files into Photoshop to include more advanced image blending, dodging, burning and techniques that will allow you to have full control over your images.   
    seascapeluminosity masksexposure blendingcolor correctionphotoshoppaid